
Beagle’s a little old town in Miami County. The unincorporated town has this falling-down depot, a few houses, an auto repair shop and a Methodist Church.


I like how the name Beagle can be seen above the depot window,  its letters barely visible in the peeling paint.



  1. It’s too bad the depots fall into disrepair. It was terrible when the Emporia one burned down.

    I’m glad Madison was able to save the depot in town.

    I wonder what those two buildings are that tower over the depot?

  2. Any mention of the word “Beagle” reminds me of Willy, the dog that was my childhood companion. So I like the town named Beagle, even if it is overgrown and in disrepair.

  3. Silos have windows with curtains? Or that’s what that one window on the side looks like to me.

    Weeta, I think of some Beagles I knew 40 some years ago when I see the word too.

  4. Seems to me that “someone” in that town “could” start a reclamation project by taking all the still decent lumber from the falling down depot, running it through a plane and sander, and using it to repair other buildings in town, or… ?? Using the imagine-ashun, even using that material to create something for the children to play on at the park… they surely do have a park area somewhere. Or… make benches for the old folks to sit on as they watch the kids play… possibles are always hiding in corners of the brain..!
    Some people pay premium for old, still usable lumber. Just a thought.

  5. I don’t think there is a park in Beagle, none that I am aware of anyway. No “downtown” anymore either. but the wood could certainly be reused! I could use some in my kitchen. And benches and play-sets would be nice even if they were in a private yard.

  6. I can see that April looks at old lumber like Millard does. lol! A lot of things could possibly be made from old lumber – or unused lumber – or scraps of lumber.

  7. I know I’ve told this before. But several years ago in Emporia I was selling “outsider art” on ebay. I also had no fence, so walked my dog up and down the alleys. One day I was walking in an alley and found an old adarondak chair that was all broken up.

    I went back when the homeowners were home and asked if I could have some of the wood. They said I could. SO, I took some of it and made primitive, small signs. I made 50 dollars on that free wood! I was tickled.

    Old wood is cool.

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