Tonight, our friend Roger Heineken received the University Service Citation from Emporia State University. Dave and I were honored to be guests of his. We were happy to meet members of Roger’s family and some of his many friends.

I must have been out of my head because I didn’t have my pen and notepad out, so I can’t tell you exactly what Lynn Hobson said about Roger in the nominating statement that was read, but they were nice things – about how he’s the first person that people often meet on campus and that he makes a favorable impression for the university. Roger did a great job on his talk. He spoke about community and mentioned family, friends and associates.

These are my snapshots. Check out Dave’s high-quality photos of the event, a slide show: Emporia State University 2008 Alumni Awards.

Roger opens a gift from Carol Marshall as friend Valdimir Bejan looks on.

Roger and family. Sharman Heineken (sister-in-law), Roger, LuEtta Heineken (sister-in-law) and Terry Heineken (brother). (Dave took this photo.)

Valdimir Bejan – Moldova (two degrees ESU/PhD student at K-State in Economics)
Veronica Pozo – Ecuador (Masters student in Agricultural Economics K-State)

Chris Kennedy – Phi Delta Theta – Leewood – Senior Social Science
Kris Swearingen – PDT – Overland Park -Junior Secondary Ed., English – Swing Dance competitor

Roger has faithfully served Emporia State University for many years. He’s the go-to guy for information and history about ESU.

Roger and me.


    And you are very deserving of this award!!!!!!!

    Thanks to Dave & Cheryl for sharing the pictures & (Cheryl-& Rog –you get both get better with age which is not the norm!!!!)

    Rog thanks for ALL you do & what you are recognized for & all the things you are NOT recognized for!!!!! You are a great guy & all of us are pleased to call you friend!!!!!!!

    So glad you were recognized for “some” of your good works!!!!!!!

  2. Dave, thanks for the slide show. I’ll send it to ESU. Maybe they will hyperlink it to the awards page. Don’t know.

    April and Flips, you are always so kind and encouraging. Thanks.

    I met a woman from McPherson who visits regularly but is not registered for the discussion board. More late.

    I attended a Phi Delt Housing Corp. meeting this morning at 9 AM followed by the Kaffeeklatch through noon. Stopped by the house and one of our alumni with family was touring the house. Roger, a prosecuting attorney in Johnson County, and Linda Nordeen with their two daughters saw the interior for the first time. Their oldest has been admitted to ESU for this fall, Elementary Education. We will be seeing the Nordeens more often over the next few years. More to do today.

    I have to go to the game to be introduced in the third quarter break, go to the post game reception at the Sauder Center then on to the Phi Delt dinner and dance at the Emporia Country Club. Should learn the rough Pole-sit numbers at the dance.

    Alpha Sigma Alpha Chili Feed on Sunday. Sleep.

  3. Congratulations! Glad that someone who really deserves recognition and appreciation is awarded for his service…….there should have been $$$ attached (like the Nobel Peace prizes)!

  4. Doesn’t all of this just give you the “warm fuzzies”? This is absolutely fantastic. Congratulations over and over again, Roger. You are so deserving. And Dave . . . . what a neat slide show. It was next to being there. What a neat picture also of Roger and Cheryl. I love it.

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