
Because Flyover People has a large following of Phi Delta Theta-ers, here’s today’s update from their new house adjacent to the Emporia State University campus.

The banner is new, just added today. The house looks a lot different with the big tree in front removed.


The carefully crafted stone retaining wall is shaping up.


For previous updates on the house, click here.


  1. It was a gloomy, cold day. I just got home after the skid-steer pulled out to head back to Topeka courtesy of one of our alumni.

  2. Note the blemish at the peak above the colonnaded Porch. This is mud on siding that Kan Build workers installed when finishing the porch. Some of this mud around the house exterior is where rain will not wash it off. Power spraying the siding at various places around the house is on the “punch list” for the factory-built company.

    They also have yet to caulk the base and capitals and paint the full columns. Right now, the white you see is only primer with mud blotches. We had expected this to have happened before landscaping and banners. We hope it will before our 40th anniversary on April 12th.

    Dave and Cheryl each visited separately today but Dave got to go inside.

  3. Dear Flyover People… thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been so curious to see photos of my fraternity’s new home. It looks great! The pillars really add a special touch. (And, six pillars. Roger, any significance? Ha ha.) I so wish I could be there for the 40th anniversary celebration and house dedication. (I was a freshman the year the chapter turned 25.) Darn it that airfare is so expensive.

    Brian Protheroe
    San Francisco, CA

  4. I just wanted to chime in.

    My name is Jeff Hamons and I am organizing the landscape construction that will be happening on the site. http://www.hamonslandscaping.com

    I am a former Phi Delt alumnus and am very happy about having the opportunity to repay the fraternity for just a portion of all that it has given me.

    If you want to see what a bunch of old men trying to do good work looks like stop by on Saturday as we try to install 30,000 pounds of compost — 500 feet of edging, over 100 plants and 60 feet of shade trees. It should be quite the site!

  5. Speaking of landscaping… is that old (old old old) piece of junk lawnmower that my parents donated to the chapter still running, or was it retired to the garbage dump? Not that we ever mowed the yard, except at rush week. 🙂

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