
A vine gazebo in progress.

Roger Heineken is building a Victorian Vine House at the Howe House, part of the Lyon County Historical Museum. Howe House is located on E. Logan Ave. in Emporia.


Follow Roger’s journal of his project.


Also at Howe House is a vegetable garden tended by area Master Gardeners. A few tomatoes are on the vine.



  1. Oh! My! What fabulous intricate work. We haven’t been by the Howe House for a while. The progress is absolutely unbelievable. Won’t this be a fantastic sight with vines on it? As I said before, I think Roger should make minature kits to sell to people with small yards. This is truly a magnificent wire sculpture, in which everyone will enjoy. Thanks Roger!

    I was wondering about the garden. That is interesting. Do they sell the produce at the Farmer’s Market or someplace? Our tomato plants quit on us this year. Think we might have to plant Marigolds or something else there next year – or do something drastic with the dirt.

    Thanks for the updates Roger and Cheryl. How wonderful!

  2. There are two garden plots on the grounds. One is maintained by Master Gardeners and features heritage varieties. The other is maintained by the volunteer who keeps the property mowed and keeps the hedges trimmed.

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