“Everyone is an athlete. The only difference is that some of us are in training and some of us are not.” George Sheehan

I hadn’t thought about George Sheehan for years. But back in my running days, I read (and still have) his book, “Running and Being.”

This warm, sunny morning makes me want to fly through the air again, both feet off the ground, inhaling cool air into tight lungs, feeling that pain in the gut when I’ve run too far or too fast. I want to feel my heels hit the cement with each stride, feel the cold air burn the tops of my ears, stop in my tracks when I hear the jingle of a dog’s collar (well, maybe not that last thing.)

Running is such a playful thing. Perhaps I should start up again.


  1. Perhaps you should…but start out easy (you know this!).

    I’ve never been a runner and nowadays I couldn’t if I wanted to–ankles, knees, hips all say NO! NO! NO!
    But I do a lot of walking at work. And in good weather on the golf course, and in the yard chasing the lawn mower.

    What a contrast: a foot or more of snow in my yard and I’m thinking about mowing the lawn….dreaming of better days.

  2. I now and again dream that I’m running. I’m such a wonderful runner in my dreams. I run with ease and abandon, nothing hurts, my luscious dream hair (dream on) flies in the air, never hitting me in the eyes. I love to dream run.


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