
Two female penguins prepare to take the polar bear plunge.

Air temperature, 23 degrees. Water temperature, yikes. It looks like they had to chop a hole in the small, residential Mouse Lake in order for these crazy people to jump into the water this morning. Seventy-two (72!) people did step, jump, and cannon-ball into the lake. And $12,000 was raised for Kansas Special Olympics.

The Emporia Fire Department was on the sidelines (and in the water in a wet suit) to make this a safe event. They provided a ladder – and a hand – to the leapers.




A number of jailers jumped.



There were probably a couple hundred people present to view the event, many of them stood on the lake ice.


  1. My first thought was –ARE THEY CRAZY? But it must be REAL dedication and courage to do that, not for personal gain, but for the Special Olympics. Hey, I’ll make a donation, but you’d have to pay ME a LOT to do that!

  2. I have never ever been known for being “Sane”——–when the word “Sane” is spoken– I don’t usually flash into anyone’s mind!!!!!!!!!!
    But there is not enough money in the world to get me to jump into ice water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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