I got a new used mower from my friend Tracy. The Lawnboy was nearly impossible for me to start, hard to push and spewed toxic fumes.

This one is easier to push, but I push it faster than the old heap and so it seems like a workout. Three times a week for 20 minutes and I’ve got my aerobics in for the week.

No noise, no fumes, no gasoline/oil. Win!


  1. Besides, I have heard that a good scissor-cut is much better for the health of the hair… oooops…. I mean lawn… LOL LOL..

    I agree, Cheryl, better to listen to the clickity of reel-scissor blades than smell the exhaust of a gasoline engine… specially on a lazy Sundee morning..!!

    I used to earn 10 cents a lawn on one of them old timey, metal wheel, single wood handle pushers..! Four lawns was nuff to take me to the old State Theater on Saturday morning, down on Broadway in Larned for a month..!

    Selling beer bottles to my uncle paid for my popcorn also… LOL..!!

  2. Janet… expensive? Not really… around a hundred bucks, give or take a few, depending on reel size. That Sears Craftsman model is a good one, well worth the price.

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