
In RuYi the other day, two fortunes came in my cookie.


  1. The sunshine comments above are on the mark. As for the boat & water… well, all this snow (we got an additional 3″ “dusting” overnight) has to melt sometime (I hope) and a boat might come in real handy!

  2. Hope the boats are the recreational sort! Almost unwilling to think of other alternatives…Yes, you are going on a cruise or sailing or river rafting! Which will it be?

  3. A cruise in the Caribbean sounds mighty nice right about now!

    Thanks, everyone. Life definitely was bleaker before I met you all via FOP. 🙂 (Well, I guess I knew Janet beforehand, and Roger, sorta.)

  4. Looks like we need to plan that cruise through the Carribean. The fortune cookie just lets us know it’s inevitable. This would be a good time for it, away from ice and snow. Do they have special rates for the cat?

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