
There’s something about flu season that suddenly makes open air bulk spices seem less appealing.


  1. I don’t know….I just saw those buckets of spices and people walking by sneezing…. You can wash fruits and vegetables when you get home, but you can’t wash sneeze off of dill weed.

  2. In most applications when used the spices are cooked and sterilized. Bo you think spices are uncontaminated in a bottle? Ground up bugs, caterpillar do-do,spores,etc.

  3. Gee, thanks, Roger. Probably true though, especially since most spices travel quite a distance before they come to us, and who knows what was there to start with.

    I’m lucky to have the Topeka Natural Foods Co-op here, and the Community Mercantile aka “The Merc” in Lawrence. They keep their bulk stuff behind glass or plastic. So all you get is whatever was in it when it got there. 😀

    Where was that? It’s kind of an appealing picture even if we wouldn’t necessarily want to buy there…

  4. I’m surprised that the spices are open air….don’t they lose their potency this way? I’m with you, I’ll take my spices in a package, thank you.

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