elk co general store

Howard, Kansas.


  1. There’s a chair in front of this one too. And like the last one that I noticed in your pictures, this one has me wondering, is this for the owner to sit in when things are quiet? Or is it for passersby who are tired?

    If I ever own a store, I will have chairs in front of it, or a bench and chairs. One should really have more than one though, just in case a cat comes along and needs a nap.

    At one time we had two chairs in the front yard. There are walkers in this town and we figured they could sit a bit if they so desired. But we never saw anyone using them. One night, the Madison Days night, some people tried to steal the chairs. I watched through the window. They couldn’t get it in their vehicle, so they left someone else’s lawn mower in our front yard and left. We chained the chairs down after that.

    Chairs are so welcoming, so personal. People should have them and use them.

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