Elk Co Courthouse

Elk County Courthouse, Howard.

1 Comment

  1. Lookie! There’s even a little bench in front of this courthouse. I think they should paint it another color, but then, that’s just taste, huh?

    Think how much friendlier this world could be if we all had chairs and benches in front of businesses and our homes.

    I remember reading an editorial in a newspaper once. I forgot if it was Emporia or Madison. It was a few years ago, but one of those editorials that sticks.

    The writer had come home from a days work, and found two or three teenagers sitting on her porch. They said HI, and just sat there. She asked them what they were doing, and they explained they were porch sitting that day, just going around and sitting on porches.

    Now, I loved reading that. It was warm and lovely.

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