Hail Winter!

And may she pass as quickly as she came.


  1. Today is also my wife’s birthday. This is a closed subject nowadays around here. I mention it here only because she will never see this post.

  2. I can see how Mrs. H-43’s birthday might be overshadowed by bad ol’ winter solstice and the proximity to Christmas. My brother’s birthday is tomorrow and he always suffered on the gift end of things because of Christmas, the other birthday.

  3. This thread is ironic in that it has turned to birthdays marking age when it started with a photo of Peter Pan who will never grow up.

  4. Brrrrrrrr……when I left home this morning the temperature was 1! When I made it into town, the temp. was 2! (does this qualify as a ‘heat wave?’)

  5. Happy birthday to Ray’s wife. Like Cheryl said, Please don’t tell her I said so. LOL

    It’s cold. It’s freakin’ cold. But hark, the days are getting longer and longer now. Spring is right around the corner.

  6. To clarify the mention of Janice’s birthday, several years ago when she turned 60, I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she replied “Nothing, and I don’t want to hear anything more about it.” Since that time the subject of her birthday, on my part, has been a simple “HBTY.” And nothing more.
    As for my birthday, I consider each occasion as one for rejoicing. Having a birthday day is better than not having one. And as for the subject of Peter Pan, I subscribe to the philosophy that growing old is mostly a given, but growing up is optional.

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