
On my way to get gas and drop off some bills, I snapped a few photos around town. Here, ESU women are enjoying the warmish day.


Tulips are blooming at 12th and Merchant. Streets are full of bicyclists. Gas is $3.47.


I stopped by the Phi Delta Theta house to look at the landscaping now that the sod has been placed. It looks beautiful! Nice job, guys.



Note the handsome stone retaining wall. Flyover Friend Roger hefted and placed most of those rocks.


They have a club for chickens?


The former Villa, El Pueblito, and Ayan Cafe will apparently soon be a Peking Express.


Recently added to the Eastside Memorial Park are special

Picnic tables in the shelter house.



  1. Thanks, Cheryl, for posting the images of the Phi Delt House. Since you took the pictures, I took the container planters over to flank the steps to the porch. I got plants at the Gardeners of America sale today and at Dillon’s. Potting soil came from Wal-Mart. The Dillon’s planters are 20″ and have a yellow ocher color similar to the colors in the stone. The plant material is white geraniums, white bacopa, white euphorbia, deep blue petunias, asparagus fern and spikes. Some of the guys went out and bought solar flood lights to illuminate the yard sign.

    The new member class was having a yard sale in back today which is why there was a sign on the tree in one of your pictures. They started at 11:30 which is woefully late but they till made $80.

    With the Eastside Memorial Park images, it is shaping up very nicely. There is poetic justice, though. After putting $27,000 in to develop the park along with the city’s in kind labor and material contribution which leveraged a Jones Trust grant, now we must pay rental fees to throw the free neighborhood BBQ this Memorial Day weekend. See my post in the discussion.

  2. the landscaping really looks nice! I like the stone wall. My DH made stone walls on either side of our walkout basement–years ago, but some of the stones — I think he used larger ones–have fallen out. Actually I think all those hens & chicks have pushed them out!
    I’ve been enjoying the tulips at the Kwik shop and was hoping they’d show up of FOP! Thank you, Cheryl!–aren’t they put there by the Gardeners?

  3. Roger the house and landscaping look wonderful!!

    The park looks good too. I’m not sure I’ll recognize Emporia when I come back to visit.

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