
Ah yes, remember splinters?

And the little ditty, “Teeter-totter, bread and butter, wash your face in dirty water?”


I was always a lightweight and so I spent a lot of my teeter-totter time up in the air.

We had that asphalt playground at Pawnee Rock, and when my teeter-totter partner jumped off, my end of the totter hit the asphalt with a teeth-jarring thud, ramming my knees into my ears. Ah, childhood.

These are more photos from the former grade school playground, well, former grade school, it’s still a playground, at Carlton in Dickinson County.

Remember a few months ago, when I wrote about creating a safe playground? This one at Carlton is like the old days, it’s the kind of playground that made kids tough (or else kilt ’em.)


The jungle gym with its bruise-inflicting bars. This piece has the handy overlap for you to catch your clothes and skin on.


La merry-go-round. One of two, actually.



  1. That’s when playgrounds were fun. You could get up a good head of steam on the old steel sliding boards . . . especially if you primed the surface with waxed paper . . . whoosh! The kids nowadays scoot safely down on plastic boards. Poor things. How dull.

  2. You are right. I remember that we saved our bread wrappers – they were made of something like wax paper – and take them to the play ground in the evenings or week end. It certainly took your breath away and was so quick.

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