

If my brother heard me say that, he would likely respond, “You do, and you’ll clean it up.”

That was one of our regular childhood remarks.

Had to get some color on the blog. A trip to Arnold’s Greenhouse just west of LeRoy (in Coffey County) provided a treat for the eyes.

When I stepped into the main greenhouse, I smelled dirt — wet, moldy, mossy dirt.

And greenhouse #2 melted me with its tropical climate – 90 degrees with humidity that fogged my glasses and filled my lungs. Ahhhh. Such delicious warmth!

But wait, there’s more…



OK, I don’t know anything about these plants, I just looked at the name tags. But aren’t they pretty, pretty, pretty?


  1. I used to take February visits to Emporia’s real greenhouses back in the ’70s to experience what you did today, Cheryl. This has curative powers. I am a firm believer. Maybe I’m a Druid.

  2. Is it Kal-an-choe, long “o” or Kal-an-choe long “e”? As near as I can tell both are used equally. Beautiful plans!

  3. Some say it is named for a French navigator Louis de Bougainville while others say it is named for a region in France and probably for his family. It is a New World plant, though.

  4. OH, that’s lovely, the whole thing. They aren’t open on Sundays, are they? I’ll look it up.

    We went to Bluestem and bought welding wire today. The plants are prettier!

  5. Arnold’s is closed on Sundays.

    March through May
    Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. until 7:30 p.m.

    June, July, August, September, and October
    Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  6. We didn’t realize they were open yet———as last month we went past on out way to Iola— & there were lots of cars for their workers——-& Hubby & I both said———-wow—– they are getting ready fro busy season soon!!!!!!!!!
    I love to just go & walk through all the flowers & plants at Arnolds!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Arnold’s had a smaller than usual booth at the Wichita Garden Show. I bet the Show raised the exhibit fee. They raised the admission charge to $10.50.

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