
We set out wandering today and stopped at BETO Junction (in Coffey County, at the I-35, US-75 Junction.) This is a truck stop in the middle of nowhere. The nearest town is Lebo, maybe 8 miles away. BETO stands for the four major towns in the four directions. Burlington to the south, Emporia – west, Topeka -north and Ottawa to the east.

According to their menu, each year the truck stop restaurant serves more than 15,000 giant cinnamon rolls, 10,000 chicken-fried steaks and 130,000 eggs.

Girl Scouts were selling boxes of cookies in the vestibule. As we were leaving, I looked over the restaurant’s cinnamon rolls in the case near the cash register. They were $2.99 each. A Girl Scout, a charmingly-enterprising Girl Scout, saw me looking at the rolls and suggested, “For $3, you can buy a whole box of cookies.”


  1. We had the breakfast buffet there this morning!
    When Hubby woke up this morning–he said —do you want to go to Beto for breakfast —- well why not??????????????
    So we did!!!!!!!

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