
The neighbor’s yard is greening up nicely. Just happened this week.

Saw someone wearing a tank top at Reeble’s the other day. Some mornings, birds sing. The thermometer stays above freezing. I can’t use “it’s too cold” as an excuse to not wash the car anymore.

In what do you see spring?


  1. My grand goats are having babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    All the barn cats are pregnant!!!!!
    I have bulbs coming up!!!!!!!!!
    Belive it or not there are buds on the trees at our house——–

  2. Well then would you all send some of your spring this way !

    Two days ago saw two Cardinals, a some doves, and a few sparrows. And yesterday saw all the yard for the first time in days.
    Now…this morning everything looks like Cheryl’s snow-covered picture.
    The poor birds are out there chirping: WHAT??

    See first line above !!

  3. We had snow overnight, too, H-43. But just another dusting. It’s melting already although it’s only 23 degrees. The ground must be warm enough and the sun is shining.

    Spring is still a little insecure around here.

  4. Some melt here, too; but still trying to snow.
    Sun making a feeble attempt.
    But, at least I don’t have to work outside…see, a bit of optimism !!!

  5. They sell yellow, orange, even blue and pink ones. The golf balls aren’t the problem, it’s the “man against the elements.” I have found by experimentation that the body in its current form and current age does not do well at all when conditions are less than 50 degrees and anything but dry. [Although I have been known to venture out in less than described conditions.] Some might see this as wimpiness (as might those who do go out in all kinds of weather) but I regard it as self-preservation.

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