The Emporia Municipal Band played tonight at Fremont Park.

Kids line up for the weekly children’s march. With flags. That have pointy ends. Roger Hartsook, the announcer, said to any new people in the audience, “I’m going to warn you right now, this is the reckless part of the evening. This is the part of the evening where we’ve been lucky for the last 30 years we haven’t lost a marcher, but it’s not because these kids haven’t tried.”

Another band member hands Bob Fry of Madison his euphonium. Ed Durall (next photo) said that he was told that the Emporia Municipal Band had been in existence since 1941 and that Bob Fry had played in the band every year except for the six years that he taught music in Pawnee Rock (which was in the late ’40s and early ’50s.) Yes, Bob lived in my hometown – before I was born. But I didn’t meet him until I started writing the column in 2003.

My very first fan letter came from Bob Fry. He sent it by snail mail to The Gazette. He was pleased that I had written a column about Pawnee Rock. His wife, Elma, told me this evening that he’ll read my column each Tuesday in the Gazette and if I don’t mention PR, he’ll put the paper down and look at her and say, “She didn’t write about Pawnee Rock.”

This is another Pawnee Rock person. Yes, a PR reunion in Emporia tonight! Ed Durall and his wife, Mary Lou, were visiting from Florida.  A delightful couple. They come to Kansas to visit family and this year they stopped in Emporia to meet up with Bob and Elma Fry. Bob Fry was Ed’s band teacher at PR. Ed and Mary Lou (from Ransom) got engaged on the top of Pawnee Rock. How cool is that?

It was a great evening, hanging out with the Pawnee Rock crowd.


  1. I enjoyed reading your column about Ed Durall, my former classmate and Bob Fry, my former band instructor, both wonderful people! I remember Mr. Fry drove this funny little car, a think it was one of the first foreign automobiles sold in the states, or maybe it was an offshoot of one of the Big Three. But it really made him stand out in the community.

  2. 45 players enjoy each week during the summer. Each concert cost the band, sponsored by the city and donations,$1,500.

    The band donates a big thank you with a free Christmas Concert in the Granada Theatre Sunday afternoon December 15th at 3pm.

    Many players return each summer. There is always a need for players and a standby list to replace those on vacation or other happenings during the summer. Practice is every Tuesday and concert Thursday. [Memorial Day to mid-July.

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