Hello, peeps! As many of you know, I’ve been working on putting a collection of columns together in a book.

After publishing 7.5 years of weekly columns (which comes up to about 390 of them) in The Emporia Gazette, 80 of those essays will be in this book. There are eight sections: Pure Kansas, Life on the Ground, Seasons, Nature, Looking Back, Childhood, Small Towns, and Earth & Sky. The book will have 208 pages (well, 196 pages of text plus intro pages) and will sell for $15.00.

That’s one of Dave’s photos on the cover and I’ve used several of his black & white photos inside, too.

I don’t have an exact release date, but the book should be available in early September. Since I will be doing the distribution myself, it won’t be widely available. It will definitely be in Emporia’s Town Crier and I’ll be visiting with bookstores and other businesses to place the book. And it will be available via Pay Pal from my web site. (Thanks, Dave.)

Since March, my brother, Leon Unruh, has been my north star. He’s a journalist and an editor by trade. He has edited dozens and dozens of books, and he guided me through the process. Every time I felt like I was going under, he pulled me up from the murky lake.

And you wonderful peeps, my Flyover Friends, thank you for all the encouragement over the years. Thanks go to my proofreaders – Tracy, Roger, Wendy and Rita. And I am so grateful for the kind words from my advance reviewers: Marci Penner, Dave Kendall and Kevin Rabas.


  1. To paraphrase: “That is one small step into Kansas… but a very large step for Cheryl!” Congratulations..!!

  2. Yay! I’m excited to hear this and looking forward to getting a copy of my own. Will you be doing book signings? I think I could make it up to Emporia (or wherever) for that, and maybe squeeze in a visit to some of the places you’ve talked about here along the way. I’m going to start preparing Danny now so that when/if the time comes, he’ll just accept his fate and come along with me without complaint.

  3. Have you checked out any places in Topeka to sell them? I hope you will! And that you might consider doing one book signing here, and that I can get to it! Yeah!

    Beautiful cover, just the kind of thing I love about Kansas.

  4. How Wonderful!!!! We can hardly wait to have a copy in our hands. And with only 80 of the 390 we have more books to look forward to!?… ok we’ll just be content with the current new columns and new adventures for now. :o)

  5. I like the choice of cover photo, Dave’s photo. It has everything you write about in this one image: color, good sky/bad sky,a plain with vanishing perspective, a hill and the off-interstate kind of road you like. From a design standpoint, the road lead, the viewer into the book, into Kansas. In the foreground, the gentle curve of the road to the right suggests were to open the book and turn the page. The typography positioning also directs the reader to open the cover.

  6. Congrats! Please keep us posted as to availability and/or early orders! I’m a Kansan who has gotten stuck in OK and Flyover is my daily tie to the state I love, and can’t wait for the book.

  7. Congratulations Cheryl! How exciting and what an accomplishment! We are all very proud of you – and of Dave too. What an exciting day that will be to go to your book signing distribution and presentation.

  8. Cannot delete the above post so I’ll edit in this re post.

    What will be the price point, Cheryl? I want several as a gift reserve.

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