Mozart died

“Mozart died @ 21 a genius. What have you done?”

Actually, Mozart died at 35.

Besting Mozart


  1. Why can’t all bathroom graffiti be so interesting? My 15yods was telling me last night about some of the most interesting bathroom graffiti he’s seen. It was a bathroom stall flame war started over the comment “Metallica sucks!” That amused me, but this is so much better.

    Ds also said he heard some comedian remark on how there must be an awful lot of people who go into the bathroom with pens. I never thought about it before, but I guess that’s true. Do they go in with the intent to write on the walls, or do they just think, “Hey, I’ve got a pen in my pocket”? Now, in women’s bathrooms it seems less unusual because women carry their purses in there. It makes me wonder if a lot of men carry pens in their pockets. The type of men I imagine carrying pens are not the type I imagine writing on bathroom walls. What’s the deal?

  2. I’m impressed by the Kansas standard of bathroom writing. Here in England – and I have experience only of male toilets, I hasten to add, but I’ve visited a few – and apart from a few jokes, it’s just drawings of, um, dicks, and offers of, uh, friendly interaction.

  3. I’m impressed, too! After extensive experience of reading bathroom graffiti I’ve come to the conclusion that the average male who writes on walls has the IQ of a gnat. That he is able to even wield a pen at all is something of a wonder. Finding philosophical discourse and personal histories is priceless. I’m reminded of a long narrative written above a urinal in some podunk town in northern Utah. The author provided a rambling life history of alcohol and drug abuse, prison and ultimate redemption in an epiphany of light, glory and angels, followed by an invitation to do the same. All well and fine but the location didn’t quite match the message. Still, in keeping with the longstanding tradition of male bathroom-wall writers, the author misspelled every other word.

  4. Does anyone remember the bathrooms in Emporia’s Full Moon a half block off campus? The management encouraged graffiti. It was a hangout of the local literati so most posts were of deeper thought or clever turn of words designed to outdo and impress the other clientele. I would say there was a one in ten error factor.

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