Lamont HS monument

Lamont High School: 1929 – 1966.

When high schools close, some are torn down. Towns always try to save a cornerstone, or a bell, or the school’s name carved in limestone. These are tombstones, memorials, to the schools.


  1. That’s so sad. I wish people would buy the buildings and turn them into something else. Even a home, or artists’ retreat center, or something……

    We have a cardinal couple in front here. I think they maybe are building in our tree or something very close by. They come to the bird feeder often.

    I think we have some in back too, but I look out the front more.

  2. Once while traveling with my grandfather in the Osbourne area where he was raised, he brought me to a limestone maker very simliar to this one that was dedicated to a town that was no longer there. It really made me want to cry. To think of all the people that once lived there and all the hopes and dreams for that little town. And now all that stands is a marker.

  3. Yes, it is sad. But there have been population “ebbs and flows” throughout mankind’s existence on earth. I am not a historian, but can be considered one of those of us who do family genealogical research. In the process we regularly uncover the names of countless communities that no longer exist due to many reasons: floods, droughts, potato famines, invasions by European whites, or Spanish conquistadors, or Prussians, or Mongol hordes, or Roman legions, etc. Time marches on, society evolves, the able adapt and grow, and the rest are left as sad monuments to history.

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