jayhawk cookies

Elebrown made us these lovely Jayhawker cookies. They are delicious. (What’s your frosting recipe, ele? I love that.)


  1. It’s a secret! hehehe Actually, I am incredibly lazy and now use the frosting in a can on the shelf above the cake mixes…I used to mix a little butter, powdered sugar, milk and vanilla & almond flavoring, but I found that if you put some frosting in a bowl and microwave it for a few seconds, all you need to do is add food coloring (and I couldn’t find blue!) and there you go. I figure I’ve been making Jayhawker cookies for Kansas Day for 40+ years. I used to draw a Jayhawker (off the cover of THE JAYHAWKER BOOK)and trace around the pattern with a little knife but now I have a cookie cutter. Sometimes using the cooky cutter is more time consuming than the old way. that’s probably more than you wanted to know!

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