wedding gown

The gruesome gray wedding gown has been posed in this Lawrence store window for years. I grimace every time I walk past. There’s just something about it that makes my teeth hurt – maybe it reminds me of chewing on aluminum foil.


  1. It’s a gruesome grey wedding gown
    Displayed in a window downtown
    To passers by thoughts it brings
    Of why one might wear that thing

  2. But then the gown was soon sold
    To a woman who was so bold
    As to wear it out on the street

    It created some kind of a riot
    But now things are again quiet
    It’s not something she should repeat

  3. The grey gown gone
    Off the rack
    Refresh the inventory

    The discerning client
    Can’t be known
    But boy, it’s quite a story

  4. Maybe now is the time
    To cease these rhymes
    And let the gown be forgotten

    For as fun as it was
    Maybe even a buzz
    My lines were awful or rotten.

  5. You are right, Ray
    I shall obey
    This foray is making me twitch
    It is perfectly clear we’ll never get rich
    Working for laureate’s pay

  6. And so, dear readers, here ends the “saga” of the grey gown. No more words. And whatever thoughts that may arise will be perhaps overcome by the cold winter wind, which will blow them on down the street of dreams, never to see the printed page.

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