Bazine elevator

I like Kansas elevators. Just do. Can’t explain it.

This is the elevator complex at Bazine in Ness County.

Bazine elevator2

bazine elevator3

Bazine elevator 4

And then, in the same block as the elevator, I still had my camera out and saw this sign: Head Count Area. Nothing written on the back of the sign. I don’t know… can’t explain it.


  1. Maybe the head count area is where people gather after some disaster strikes so they can count heads. You know, like the fire drills in grade school. I like the smaller, old tin elevator best. Those are always my favorites.

  2. Perhaps some things are better left un-explained. It keeps us curious, don’t you think?
    My grandfather was a manager for an elevator in southern Kansas. It always brings back memories of my childhood when you post pictures of various elevators. Thanks!

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