
Fresh X-rays were taken to make sure the bone was still aligned. Then the splint came off and the cast went on. I had a choice of about six or seven colors and I said, “Blue, please.”




This isn’t the old-fashioned plaster cast, it has super fibers – fiberglass in it. That’s Leighton York, the Nurse Practitioner. He seemed to think my disposition was a little better this week.



  1. Cheryl, you’re just too cute–and, at least you’re smiling! Does this mean that you’re “mobile” again? Have you seen Tracey’s green cast?

  2. Well, mobile, no. I can’t put any weight on the foot – until the cast comes off, so I’m still on crutches. And because of the cast, still can’t drive. Yes, Tracey has a pretty green cast.

  3. Oh, I like the KU suggestion!! I saw Tracy’s cast yesterday at Reebles and just loved it!

    And that nurse with Leighton York is my favorite office nurse ever! She was my nurse when I was pregnant with Brenna.

  4. Oh no! I guess I should make time to come by here more often. Hope it heals quickly. My son has about 3 weeks left in his camo cast. Broke his foot crashing his bike.

  5. I do know for a fact that a “No Farms No Food” bumpersticker will _not_ stick to a fiberglass cast.

    Duct tape might work. I always have some red duct tape in the supply box at the FM, so if you make it to the market, stop by the kiosk and we’ll get you some Jayhawk racing stripes!

    When I broke my 5th metatarsal 5 yrs ago (then waited 2 days to see a Dr cuz I thought it was prob just sprained, then had to wait a week for the swelling to go down before getting casted, etc…) I was three weeks in the non-walking cast like the one you have then they switched me to a walking cast and I was able to use a cane for the final two weeks. I still couldn’t drive but at least I could walk without crutches.

    You would have hated my cast (purple).

  6. Oh yeah, did the DR or NP tell you about whacking the cast with the handle of a butter knife when it gets itchy? I didn’t know about that with the foot, but my NP (Helena Stormont in DRs Rattay & Yost’s office – an angel from heaven) told me about it when I got the arm done. I’ll be danged if I know _why_ it works, but it really does help!

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