1 Comment

  1. Cheryl, that looks excellent. In the recording he lists his 6 points, and they are excellent. These are things we should know, for the most part anyway, intuitively. But once an expert validates it and lays it out for us, it is easier to approach.

    And it is such simple and important things.

    I’m going to send the links along to some people who will also appreciate getting it.

    I fell into a depression that lasted just about 3 months after Larry lost his job. Oh, I’ve had other depressions, but that was a doozy.

    I gradually started to pull out of it. Now life looks a lot better. Oh, it’s different, but in some ways it’s even better than before. I find myself being grateful that he lost his job and was forced into early retirement. I so completely enjoy having him home, not having to share him with a job. Life isn’t all about money or material stuff.

    I do take omega 3’s. BUt I make sure too that I eat fresh fruit daily too.

    One point was to avoid rumination over problems, etc. I think that must mean “worry.” Right, I’ll stop worrying! LOL I think that must be a skill one needs to work on.

    I’ll stop now. I”m glad you posted this and will consider getting the book.

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