
Just this last weekend, that horrible, awful movie was on television. “City of Angels.”


Now the first time I saw that movie, 10 years ago, it was a fine and lovely movie, up and until the point where they killed off Meg Ryan. Holy Crap! I was not expecting that! Not at all! They blindsided me just like they blindsided her. Watch out – a truck! Meg, watch out!

Ruined. A perfectly good romance, ruined. I was horrified. Wh-wh-wha-why?

Was it necessary to break my heart? And Nicolas Cage’s?

And I vowed to never watch “City of Angels” again.

Well, as I skimmed through the channels this weekend, it was on and I did watch. Only the middle third of it this time. I was not going to watch the pointless ending.


Anyway, having watched the movie recently, I woke up this morning and opened the mini-blinds just in front of my computer desk, looking for the Tiger, because she’s usually sitting on the rail by the window, trying to peek in when she hears movement.

I see the neighbor’s cat, Zorro, on the rail.

Then I look over to the pillar and see another cat. Tiger? No, in the dim light, I can make out yellow. And white. This cat has too much white on it to be Milo. It’s another cat.


These lurking, shadowy cats began to remind me of those angels of death that stand on rooftops and haunt the library in that horrible, rotten, no good movie, “City of Angels.”


And then I see Milo on the porch floor.

All these cats, none of them mine.

I think the spooky cats have come for breakfast; I don’t think they have come for me.

At least I hope not.


  1. I agree about the movie — but there is that one song form the movie that just haunts me and I still play it over and over again after all these years. Can’t even think of the tune at the moment, but I will have to go pull out my CD and listen again now that I’m thinking about it.

  2. That was another movie that I started watching and had to switch–too sad! Usually, if there’s killings or beatings or BLOOD or guns, I can’t watch that…except I do like the “Medium.”

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