25 Random Things About Me

Several people tagged me on this on Facebook- Greg Jordan, Roger Heineken, Tracy Simmons, so I thought I’d make the list.

1. I prefer Diet Coke to Diet Pepsi.
2. Bud Light over Coors Light.
3. I’m a natural blonde.
4. Several years ago, I dyed my hair brown. I liked it, but it was a hassle to keep it brown.
5. I haven’t owned a dog since 1986.
6. You’ll likely never see me in a dress.
7. I love real mashed potatoes.
8. And gravy.
9. Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy is probably one of my favorite meals.
10. I like black olives on my pizza. And something green for color, like green peppers.
11. I enjoy reading novels, but don’t find/make time to read as much as I’d like.
12. Don’t watch too much TV, but I love the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
13. I used to love to ride bikes, but probably haven’t been on one for more than 10 years, except the stationary bike at the gym.
14. Used to run, too. My longest distance at one time was 6.2 miles.
15. Now I mostly just jump rope. And lift dumbbells. And do crunches. Sometimes I hula hoop.
16. I love Indian food. And Middle Eastern food. Me loves the spices.
17. I have a B.S. in secondary education. I had planned to teach English. Heh.
18. Cookies and pie. Yum. And chocolate cake. (Thus the jump-roping.)
19. After my grandfather died, I drove his Studebaker around town.
20. One time, the Studebaker’s brake pedal went all the way to the floor and stayed there.
21. The day we hired someone to do our taxes was one of the happiest days of my life. Numbers, taxes, ick.
22. But I do get excited about number patterns, like when the odometer reads 4444.4.
23. I like the Internets. And spend too much time there.
24. Snakes, no.
25. Spiders – they can live in the house, but not if I see them.

Anyone reading this can consider themselves tagged. You can put your list in the comments  – or on your blog and then link to your blog in the comments below.


  1. Laughing – a lot – at this! You’re so right about almost everything – but so fantastically wrong about, well, 2 things.

    Can you tell us about the number pattern thing?

    Is it more than a “Wow guys! It’s nearly 66.6”?

  2. I’ve been tagged by at least 4 people for this same thing. I’ll probably get around to it this weekend, but for now I’ll comment on yours.

    We have similar food tastes and feelings about numbers. I really like Indian and Middle Eastern food, but rarely have it since my family is not quite as fond of it. I love the look, smell, and taste of all those wonderful spices! I also like number patterns, when things come out evenly, and when numbers in one context have a special significance in another ($17.76 on my receipt, for example).

    I can’t run or hula hoop. I’m not coordinated enough. When I try to run, I can’t coordinate my breathing so that I am not winded after just a block. I used to love riding my bike, but now my knees are a little creaky and the last few times I’ve tried riding (stationary bike) kinda hurt. I can hike long distances, though.

    I prefer jeans over dresses. I rarely wear high heels, even when dressed up. It’s that coordination thing again. I’m afraid I’d break my neck.

    Diet pop is bad for you. So is regular pop, but at least it doesn’t give me the shakes. I’m super sensitive to artificial sweetners.

    Snakes and spiders, okay. Mice anywhere but outside, NO! I will scream like a girl. It’s quite embarrassing. I have no aversion to mice in their natural habitat.

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