The Burdett Cafe along K-156.

Main Street.

The Burdett Post Office.


  1. They use to have a 4th of July parade there each year——–not sure if they still do or not———- but I’ll never forget several years ago——–we had a run-a-way team of mules—–& a torn up wagon——–& lots of excitement BUT—–no one was seriously hurt!!!!!!!! 🙂

  2. Burdett Seniors Inc? What does that mean?

    And what does the sign say next door. Looks like Heavenly something? I can’t quite make it out.

    And what is the symbol or thing just below the words on that sign? It looks like it could be a pair of scissors, a bird, or a plane.

  3. Probably all senior centers are incorporated but do not use it in the title. This is important probable to receive federal dollars. It is probably some form of 501 agency. The incorporation also protects staff and individuals involved in the program from law suits.

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