None of these photos are really good (but I’ll post them anyway). This is the new and improved John Deere dealership on the east edge of Greensburg.

As you drive in from the east, everything looks pretty normal – you see some structures that have been around for decades.

Then you start seeing thank-you signs.

Looks like a car dealership – they’re still working on this building.

Another new building. Lots of new buildings in this town.

And a few damaged ones.

By the time you get to Main Street on US54, you have goosebumps, because you can feel the weirdness in the air, the unsettledness that still surrounds a place where a deep tragedy occurred.

By now, you’ve started to see the stripped trees and you can tell visibly that something went very wrong here.


And – this just in – Greensburg City Administrator Steve Hewitt has been named Municipal Leader of the Year by American City and County Magazine. Read: Come-back Kid.

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