It was too cold to wander around much, but here are a few scenes in downtown Cedar Point (Chase County.)

Fire Department garage.


  1. Fire Dept. Garage with the fire trucks ——With very very very few volunteer fire fighters left—-so sad—–& the lady who answered the fire phone moved to Cottonwood Falls—-this summer—- & I’m not there to start the fire trucks with starting fluid— so they would be running by the time the volunteer fire fighters got there——to go fight the fires!!!!!!!

    But the “town leaders” should be happy——- death is totally taking over the town & THEY WON —AS THEY HAD “NO CHANGE” ——– EXCEPT DEATH!!!!!!

  2. Sorry– I was corrected by alumni—-from CP—- the lady who answered the fire phone moved to Strong City Senior housing this past Fall———-Sorry!!!!!! 🙂

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