There’s always a chatter about the first sign of spring.

What, for you, dear readers, makes fall fall?

What are your autumn traditions?

What are your favorite aromas of the season?


  1. Only in the fall do you ever shoot and post pictures of pumpkins. I’ve got to get a diggy-cam. This will be my autumn resolution.

  2. The temperatures and humidity usually get bearable, in fact, lovely and perfect some days. The leaves change, the plants and grasses begin the work to bed down for the coming Winter.

    The days get shorter. This is the time of year that my mother used to get angry with me when she was alive. I suppose she was affected by the shorter days.

    The Fall, though, brings me joy. The climate is largely perfect in a Kansas Fall. I start to regain my energy that was sapped during the heat and humidity of the unrelenting Kansas Summers.


  3. This thread got me to thinking. Fall is my favorite season of the year in Kansas. In fact, it’s the only Season I enjoy through and through here in Kansas.

    I think my ideal living situation (money being no object, of course) would be to spend Winter, Spring and Summer living on the Central Coast of California. The ocean breezes are divine. There is absolutely nothing like sitting on a big hill looking out over the ocean, with an open view and seeing the curvature of the Earth and looking down and seeing the waves crashing. The sky is huger there than I’ve ever seen it anyplace. It’s stunning, it’s overwhelming sometimes.

    Then towards the end of September, I’d pack up and come to Madison, Kansas and spend the entire Fall here, to relish this amazing place that it becomes in the Fall.


  4. There’s just a different electricity in the air, a different taste and smell. The dew on the grass, the bite in the evening air, the freshness of the morning and of course the all powerful “turning” of the leaves. They seem to change texture, from lush green to dry, many turning silvery or others brown to yellows and golds then the brilliant reds and bronzes, getting drier and drier until they fall from the trees a brown shell of their former selves. The air picks up moisture and holds it cool and refreshing against your face. Everything growing seems to go to seed, the grass, the flowers, the veggies and of course the ragweed. Acorns and hack berries, apples and pine cones fall to the ground. Pumpkins and gourds seem to pop out from under their foliage to say “Pick me!” The days get shorter. The Sun is tired from the constant blazing of Summer days. She’s saving her energy for getting through Winter until she can shine on the Earth and warm her up in the Spring, starting the cycle over.

  5. Fall starts for me when the monarchs start floating through my yard. A leaf or two that isn’t green any more might catch my eye. Then the air grows crisper, especially in the evening, and more clear. You start to want a light jacket or wrap while you’re sitting on the porch watching the sunset. Sweating stops.

    Fall is carried in the smell of anything baking, particularly things with cinnamon in them…and apples. Apples are Fall.

    Geese gather for the long trip south…at least, the ones who aren’t too spoiled and lazy do. Sometimes at night out in the tart air you can hear them high above, honking along their invisible highways.

    And the Harvest Moon like the one we had this month…the essence of Fall. The Pumpkin Queen of the Night.

  6. Fall Brings Blue Grass festivals all over the USA!!!!!!!! 🙂

    Haze in the mornings——- fresh mulled cider——– apples——

    Trees changing colors——- Locus singing——– Wearing socks with your shoes——— & finding your favorite sweat shirts that have been stored for the Summer!!!!!! 🙂

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