Brits in downtown Lawrence – for all your British needs.

My pal, englishbloke, introduced me to Colman’s Mustard – and it has changed my whole hamburger/buffalo burger eating experience. I bought another tin of it the other day. Not quite as big as this one in the window.

None of this stuff looks familiar.

There’s KitKat, but it’s apparently sold in a different wrapper in England than it is here.

There’s Tracy making a purchase.


  1. Extraordinary!

    Let me guess… thse people last lived in the UK about 20 years ago? There’s stuff i haven’t seen on supermarket shelves – semolina!!* – since the 80s!

    Having said that: Maldon’s salt is really good. Avoid any ready made pavlova/meringue concotion, whtrehr English, US or Korean.

    Colman’s mustard: as important to the UK as French’s to you guys. Much hotter though.

    Choc bars? You Yanks were always better than us at this sort of thing.

    * A dusting of Colman’s mustard and semolina flour on just-drained boiled potatoes, plus a thorough shake, before putting them into the oven in hot oil for 45 minutes, will give you the crunchiest and tastiest roast potatoes ever. Guaranteed. Try it! Your guests will weep with gratitude.

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