In the Intensive Care unit that Deb is in, there are only 4 half-hour visiting sessions during the day. Dave and I got to Wichita yesterday afternoon well in advance of the next visitation period, so while we were on the west east edge of town, I remembered that a friend had once taken me to the Great Plains Nature Center and knew Dave would like the natureyness of it all. Amazingly I was able to remember that it was on 29th (near Woodlawn, I think) and I drove right to it.

This duck was on a bridge railing and posed for photos. We got within about 2 feet of him and he never moved.

It’s a very natural setting. Lots of murk.

A dragonfly.

The slider turtles were very friendly. They had a green seaweedy stuff on their backs. Like Chia turtles.


  1. Yeah, I like the dragonfly photo too. The algae-backed turtles were fun to watch. I thought they’d dive and hide like most turtles but they swim toward people, probably trying to mooch some treats.

  2. THose turtles are so cute, kinda like a fluffy little kitten. They remind me of my childhood, having those red earred turtles that gave people salmonella, but I didn’t know that and just loved them, but they died so fast because we didn’t know how to take care of them.

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