“The gypsies are back again,” Gaylord West said.

Empty white tents are set up in preparation for this weekend’s ART IN THE GARDEN at Toad Hollow Daylily Farm three miles east of Emporia.

Dave set his tent up this evening.

Alan Tollakson unloads one of his sculptures.

So, there’ll be plenty of art out at Toad Hollow Saturday and Sunday.

And Sloppy Joes (or some sort of sandwiches sold by Camp Wood personnel.)

And flowers. White ones.

Red ones.

And a pretty new face.

The fun starts tomorrow.

Hours for Art in the Garden are: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is free.


Toad Hollow is about 3 miles east of Emporia. Here’s a map showing how to find the place. It’s just off exit 135 on I-35. As you exit, head about 1/4 mile south to the stop sign (a T-intersection). Then left (east) about 1/4 mile. 1734 Road 170, Emporia.


  1. Alan Tollakson, that gypsy, will have the maquette of the Memorial design for the Eastside Memorial Park at the Art in the Garden. Come by and take a look.

  2. I had planned to work this for Nina this weekend but wouldn’t ya know it, I forgot to check my work schedule in time to and found out they expected we to do my turn here this weekend. Darn! Can ya imagine? They want me to work around here? OK!!!! So I will be there for the daylilly tour, H-E-double hockeysticks or high water!

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