Roger’s shade garden – hosta heaven.

We stopped by Roger Heineken’s house on Saturday and he has some pretty stuff.


bachelor’s buttons


  1. They are perennial and come back each year. What you see in the photo is about six clumps in a line. They really don’t spread, like with runners. They are well behaved. Clumps get thicker over time. These can be divided and moved around or shared. The line of hostas were at the house when I bought it. I’ve just added a few different kinds.

  2. I am envious of your hostas! What do you do to them? I’ve planted hostas –maybe about 3/4 years ago and they still are quite small. I must be doing something wrong….

  3. Ele, Maybe you have a small variety. Some don’t get big leaves or make very big clumps, others are jynormous! WEll Big anyway!

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