1. I’m very impressed Wayward Son. It is so refreshing to see a young person write about their home town and the history of it – and to show so much pride while doing it. Great job! May I have your permission to put it with the WAW information on my husband’s web site? We don’t have any space for responses on our web site, but I have received several favorable comments from people in Kansas and also people in other state about the Emporia/Kansas page. They didn’t realize that Kansas had so many places of interest and they think Emporia has about as much History as many cities of this size could possibly have. Keep up the good work with your writings!

  2. Onnalee, I nominate you for 2008 CVB Queen. You have pulled together a great collection of all things Kansas and Emporia which moves out to a new circle of people who will learn more about us.

  3. Thanks Roger. It started out that I just wanted a little information to finish a page, then my eyes seemed to start catching everything. I have particularily enjoyed all the sites and information about WAW. I hadn’t even heard of him until we moved to Emporia, then really didn’t think too much about it until I signed up on FOP. Between you and Cheryl, the interest has become very fascinating. I might add, that the “CVB” threw me. I didn’t know whether to Thank You or not, but our good friend, Janet, helped me out. You are so clever and knowledgeable.

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