…and the cat won.


Yes. Yeow.

I might die.

I don’t know when my last tetanus shot was.

Actually, it looks even worse after I cleaned it up.

Wasn’t Tiger’s fault. Wasn’t my fault. But it hurts.


  1. Wow! What a way to take the weekend off. Keep the Neosporin handy and watch for infection. It sounds to me – rather, looks to me – that you need to have a big weekend of R&R and read some books.

  2. Pour Kitty. You probably scared her half to death sneeking up on her. She was only defending herself ya know! shame on you! and what are you doing on this computor, you said you were taking time off. Now go relax and quit pestering the cat!

  3. That hurts! Cute earrings.

    This reminds me, have you ever seen the fangs on a tarantula? They are nearly as big as a cat’s claw, but hurt less.

    Glad you are putting neosporin on it. Keep a close eye, because if any of the claws went in deep, germs could have gotten in further than the neosporin can reach.

    Put your feet up, drink your tea and relax this weekend, and heal. You need a bit of pampering I’m thinking.

  4. How did that happen? Were you pulling Tiger out of the ‘frig” –or fighting over the same blanket?–or was Tiger using you as a springboard for jumping up on the windowsill?–or were you just inattentive for a little bit? (all things I’ve dealt with my cats…and more) I’m thinking of getting my cat’s nails trimmed, not de-clawed, since we live out in the wilderness, but just trimmed a little so they’re not quite so SHARP! Does that help, if there’s anyone who has had that done?

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