Gray, gray, gray, gray, gray.

Or is it grey?

Grey seems even grayer than gray.

At any rate, that’s what we’ve got. Gray.

Tonight: freezing rain and snow.

Tomorrow: snow, and a big case of winter depression.

Enough, already.


  1. Just remember, Cheryl, it’s always darkest before the dawn and yada yada yada ad infinitum ad nauseum ad astra per aspera etc etc etc
    Now don’t you feel better, huh?? And. the days are now getting longer.

  2. So, I would hazard a guess that you aren’t a member of the Polar Bear Club…those crazy people who jump into icy water about this time of year.

  3. It’s been said that I am crazy but not that crazy! That’s just certifiable! Don’t they know there’s a reason the polar bear has that thick white coat? Have they not noticed that they don’t and jumping into freezing water isn’t gonna make it grow?

  4. You know, there’s something neat to me about being able to take a black and white picture with a color setting on my camera. I never was able to do that until my first Winter in Kansas. That’s when I discovered that there really is a time of year that Kansas is in black and white and grayish grey.


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