
There’s a big old moon out there tonight.

And according to NASA….It just might be the brightest moon you’ve ever seen. That’s because it’s the highest-riding full moon until the year 2023.”

Flyover Friend Roger clued us in on tonight’s moon and Mars event. Mars is above and to the right of the moon. Right now. Go look.


  1. It is still fuzzy with clouds. I’ll go out again later. On my brother’s rural acreage last light in Atchison County, it was commanding.

  2. Having looked out a few in my day- this shot looks like a blackand white of a very bloodshot eyeball.
    Otherwise very cool shot of the moon. It was gorgeous! and when I saw it it had just risen fully over the horizon so was a bright yellow orange with a big face in the middle of it and a tiny little microwave tower under it with the lights blinking in succesion pointing up to it as if to say” hey looky here at this”

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