
There’s a reindeer and a tree above the Stanley doorway.

Hang on – another storm approacheth. The weather dudes are saying 5 -9 inches of snow.

Do we have to keep doing this, the winter thing?

This afternoon, the kind people at Carstar installed my seatbelt doodad and now I can use my seatbelt properly again. The seatbelt latch was broken, so I hooked it in on the passenger side, which worked, but not to a seatbelt’s most effective level and it almost caused strangulation. But all is well now.

Anyway, it didn’t take long, the installation process, so I just sat in the office at Carstar and balanced my checkbook (they let me use their calculator – good thing) and they gave me a Diet Coke and a Christmas cookie (lunch!) and I was offered fudge, too, but turned that down.


This is a picture which accurately depicts the color of my car at the present time. In addition to a layer of salt, there’s a layer of dirt on it.

1 Comment

  1. Fudge? You turned down fudge for lunch? I surely must need something fixed on my car. I mean, if they’re serving fudge………

    And no, we don’t have to keep doing this Winter thing. When I learn the secret code to turn it off, I’ll let you know.


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