Yesterday was short-sleeve weather. Then a front moved in yesterday afternoon, swirling up wind and dropping the temperature. A bit of pelting tiny snow/sleet came down about noon today. Now it’s just plain blustery – windy and damp and 31 degrees.


  1. When I walked out of the house yesterday morning it smelled like Spring, that warm balmy fresh air smell that comes with that time of year. This morning when I went out I immediatly thought ” Yep it’s Fall!” It smelled like Halloween and Thanksgiving; wet and windy and chilly. This afternoon walking home from work, it smelled like Christmas, cold and wet and crisp, fresh and clean.

  2. Usually, when my kitties are outside and I want them back in, I have to go out and chase them down and gather them up, but today–I let them out to play and when I called them, they came running from the barn like they were shot from a cannon!–so happy happy to get back in the house!

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