
Guess what showed up in my mailbox today?

CDs (three of them) from Elizabeth Anne Middleton, native Kansan (Woodbine), current Californian.

She’s a fine, fine composer and pianist.

Guess what I’m listening to right now? That’s right, the Flyover People (!) CD.

A year or so ago, Elizabeth wrote and asked if it would be alright if she used Flyover People as the title for her album of Kansas compositions. I said fine with me.

Eight tracks are under a subtitle of “Scenes from Kansas,” including “Waltz for My Father” and “Music in the Creek,” “Trick or Treat” and “Ice Storm.”

And right this very minute, I’m listening to “Eleanor Opens Minds,” which – could it be about our own dear elebrown?

Lovely music. Just beautiful. Now I’m listening to “Summer Rain.”

And, she included two other new CDs (aren’t we so very special?): “Waterworks,” which has one of Dave’s photographs on the CD cover – a picture from the old mill in Cedar Point. And the third CD is “Elements of Trees.”

So, wow!

Elizabeth, whom I’ve never met in person, has previously sent us her two other CDs “Pianorama” and “Ode to a Satellite,” each with beautiful, original compositions.

Her music carries a lot of joy, so I imagine she must be a fun person to be around. (Every person I’ve met from Woodbine is fun, so she’s got that going for her.)

You, too, can listen to some of her music online.

I’m checking with Elizabeth on how to purchase her CDs. When I find that out, I’ll pass it on.


  1. Yep, that’s my sis! I still call her “Beth” or sometimes even “Bethie” and she still calls me “eleanor,” but I had a WORSE name when I was a kid…..not telling….
    I’m thinking she’ll record all the CD’s she can think of and just come home–back to Kansas! I’ve been encouraging her to come to live in Emporia.

  2. I wish I could listen! I haven’t had sound on my machine since I hooked up a new printer a couple of weeks ago. Drives me nuts not being able to listen to KPR on line any more, but I haven’t gotten around to doing anything about it yet.

    Does anybody know a good computer person? This problem is beyond my very limited capabilities (checking to see that all cables are plugged in, then following “trouble-shooting” guide to eliminate a series of possibilities).

  3. I almost hate to mention it but(lol)…Computer person here.

    PC or Mac? Do the speakers work if you unplug the printer from the computer?

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