
On the right hand side of the stone sign are three books. The titles on the spines are “Henry and Me, “Court of Boyville” and “The Autobiography of WAW” – all books written by White.

I had never been in this school building, so a sloppy Joe dinner sounded like a good excuse.


The meal (sloppy Joe, chips, beans, drink for $3) was served in the lunchroom/auditorium.


The top of the hallways had murals. Dave said they were painted by Harry Hart, longtime art teacher for USD#253.



“In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.”


In the entryway are photos of White and his family and the “Mary White” editorial.


And a photo of William Lindsay White.


  1. Is Harry Hart still active in Emporia? Still teaching? When we lived there, I ran into him all the time. He didn’t know me, but I knew who he was, of course. He does stained glass art, doesn’t he?

  2. Harry volunteers a lot of time and talent for the National Teacher’s Hall of Fame. He is retired and does stained glass.

  3. Thanks for the pictures of WAW School———Hubby’s Mother taught first grade there for about 100 years or so———–
    We still have pictures of all the classes she taught back at WAW school!

    Hubby went to school there when his Mother taught there—— & then our daughter went to 4th grade in that school! That has been a lot of years ago!!!!!!!!

  4. It’s worth a trip to see Harry Hart’s paintings …and to hear the music. The times I’ve been at WAW there is music, usually classical, playing. (Fluffy is back at WAW, too). It’s also worth a trip there to see all those cute little kids! WAW is a great school!

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