Apparently, once upon a time in Kansas, the sighting of a white-tailed deer was an event. This morning, Rex Buchanan (same guy from the geology hike below) talked about Kansas wildlife on Kansas Public Radio.

And NPR aired another one of Laura Lorson’s commentaries yesterday. This one is about home improvement and the Dad connection.


  1. Those who don’t remember NOT seeing deer in Kansas can’t be very old or they didn’t grow up in the country—-!!!!!!!!!
    I remember when White tail deer were very very few & far between also!!!!

  2. “Home improvement story”———-Oh—the water works have not stopped yet—aftering hearing that story——-my Dad has been dead—– for over 16 years now——-I didn’t realize how much– I still miss him telling me –“everything is going to be just fine”!!!

    When Dad died —I use to call my oldest brother Warren——& he would say——the same thing —-“everything is going to be just fine”—-he died of cancer – & is gone now also———-

    NOW— I call my next oldest brother —– he says——-what the hell do you want now——–it is just not the same—-as “everything is going to be just fine”!!!!! 🙂

    Oh——-my –I really/ really/ really miss the men in my life who use to tell me—-“everything is going to be just fine”!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Well with me, it wasn’t my dad saying “of coarse you can do this” it was my Grandpa. I remember helping him plumb the bathroom and Leslie and I moving the stove for him, holding the lumber as he guided it thru the saw, fetchin’ the screwdriver or the needle nose plyers, learning the difference between a ratchet and a wrench, which one was a cresent and which one was the monkey or pipe wrench. Now I have my sister Leslie to call for advice or my brother in law. Amy’s husband gives me advice that helps me cope with the problems of this old house of mine and Leslie’s husband Dennis’s advice is to throw a match under it and run! All good advice and some day I just may take Dennis’s.

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