
I’ve mentioned Sally before – the mannequin at Main & US 56 in Ellinwood. If she’s out, Starr Antiques and Elliott Antiques and Interiors are open. The building is the historic Wolf Building, over the Ellinwood Underground.

I’ve been on the Underground tour, but it’s been many years.


  1. Fun Antique shops——–& the guys who run them are a lot of fun also!!!!!!
    I have not been there for a few years so I assume it is the same owners!

  2. We had a mannequin named Sue Ellen as our kids found her in a dumpster in Dallas when they lived there———–
    We had Sue Ellen for many years–at our business——–& Sue Ellen lived a very very very interesting life———-a book could be written about Sue Ellen & her life at our business———-
    She was kidnapped out of our business front yard one Christmas season as she was dressed in a Santa Suit sitting on a box wagon-being pulled by reindeer!!!!
    We had friends who put up rewards if she could be found——-etc/etc——our friend who owned the local newspaper put her kidnapping on the front page of the county news paper!!!!!!!!!
    But I’m sure when who ever kidnapped her———got a good look at her up close they wondered why they kidnapped her—-mannequins aren’t meant to live outside!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
    We had many fun years with Sue Ellen as did many hundred other people!!!!!!! 🙂

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