
The opening for the annual exhibit by the Emporia Camera Club was held Sunday afternoon.

The exhibition is in the Shepherd Rotunda in the north end of Beach Music Hall located at 12th and Market on the Emporia State University campus. Closing date, July 15.


Dave entered four photos and received two Top Ten medals and an Honorable Mention ribbon. This photo of his was taken in the dome of the Kansas Capitol.

Speaking of Dave and his photos, he’s just switched over to a new photo blog called Prairie Dust. Check it out.


  1. Cool & awesome photo, Dave! It’s like you are there. (but it’s even better than being there, because you definitely have an “eye” for composition, methinks.)

  2. Thanks Ele, I usually feel kind of squirrely and disoriented at the top of the dome stairs. Especially when I have to remove my grip from the hand rails and use the camera. But this shot worked out nicely. If I remember correctly, these girls didn’t make it all the way to the top, deciding to turn around and head back down.

  3. That is a wonderful picture. Larry and I will get over there and see the exhibit.

    That picture, even on the computer screen gives me that unsettled feeling of having my hands of the railing. The picture is well balanced, but I get that deliciously scared feeling that looking down from such a place gives a person.


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