
Coming soon:  the color yellow.


  1. I can’t wait until we can open up our houses & not have to run the HEAT or AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!!! Spring is a wonderful time of year——–

  2. It hasn’t been quite as warm here as you all, but one of these days the rest of the snow will be gone…and then the birds will return and the spring flowers will show, and I will get out the little white balls…YAY !

  3. BEATYA! We have the daffodils out already, all over central England (nr Stratford-upon-Avon) – and the birdsong too.

    What’s faintly disturbing is that I hung one of those small woven birdhouse things in a pear tree outside my office this morning. I hoped to attract some tits.

    Instead, a large wasp flew in.

    Wasps in February?

  4. Cheryl. that is a really cool picture.

    I can hardly wait for that flower to open!

    Today it is beautiful out. A lady came by to buy one of Larry’s yard art pieces, and I stood in the sun too long and felt nearly ill from getting too hot! Go figure.

  5. I talked to my mom a couple of days ago and she said that my dad had been out trimming bushes and cleaning up the yard! (my dad will be 88 in August) I haven’t even started on my yard.
    My folks live on 6 lots so they have a lot of yard and my dear dad is outside every evening and weekend that the weather allows. He has always loved working in the yard. ….I need him to come to my yard!

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