I always run into people I know when I’m shopping at Reeble’s or at Nature’s Paradise. People like George and Steve will ask, “So, where have you been traveling to lately?” And I tell them, “Hon, it’s 12 degrees out there, I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

(OK, maybe I don’t say the “Hon” part. I’m a Kansan, not a Southerner; Kansans aren’t allowed to say “Hon”… but I think it. )

On the bottom right-hand of my computer screen is a little weather doodad which says it’s currently 18 degrees and partly sunny. Partly sunny? There is no sun. None.

But, because they are wrong on this whole sunshine thing, I have hope that they are also wrong on the forecast of snow, sleet and freezing rain for later today, the forecast in which they say an inch accumulation is possible.

I dropped into Hastings for a minute this morning. At the entrance to the mall parking lot from Industrial Road, someone has placed huge limestone rocks, each the size of a Mini-Cooper, so drivers won’t make too-sharp of a turn and drive across the curb and the grass. These are large, crease-the-side-of-your-car rocks placed right against the driving lane.

Now, come on, is the thin strip of grass along the roadway so precious that we have to protect it? Don’t get me wrong – I’m in favor of grass over pavement, but these rocks boulders seem a little hostile.

I imagine that during the craft shows at the mall, vehicles pulling trailers do often bounce over the curb and grass. But no more – those rocks look like they want to inflict damage.

Perhaps, since I just got my car out of the body shop (again, I will say, not my fault), that I’m a little oversensitive to car-bending objects.

1 Comment

  1. I haven’t seen that yet. I’ll have to drive by there next time I’m in Emporia.

    Remember when we had a few inches of snow ages and ages ago? It’s still there. The ice my husband peeled up off the walkway…… still laying in big ice chunks. The town of Madison is still white from all that time back.

    I’m eager for Spring. I’m not doing cold well this year and am craving sunlight. This is new for me. I did cold well until last Winter. And the short days have never really bothered me. But this Winter I really just feel like hibernating! Ah well, I know Spring is almost here!


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