
Five or six years ago, Allen Twitchell worked at The Emporia Gazette and wrote the “Culture Schlock” column. In one column he mentioned that a friend had told him, “The best thing about Kansas is the sunsets.” Allen wasn’t quite sure how to take that remark. Was it a back-handed compliment?

I’m a big fan of the sky, the blue sky, the partly-cloudy sky, the red-at-night sky. I don’t know, hmm … maybe sunsets are the best thing about the state.

What about Kansas makes you smile?


  1. The people!!!!!!!!!
    No where else in the world will you find people like you do in Kansas—–they will be there to help without you asking——–they wave at you when you pass them on the road——they welcome you to a community——they have big hearts & use common sense & most are still of the old school where manners & respect & work ethics still mean something!
    The people of Kansas are the best———

  2. Remembering my late Uncle John. I’d be visiting him in Frederick and we’d go to Lyons for something or other. While there he would stop in for coffee and talk at one place after another. Each time he would ask me if I wanted something and I’d always say “a hamburger please.” And we would sit and I’d eat and he would talk. Now I wish I had listened better because he knew everybody and everybody knew him. RAR

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